Welcome to Taper-Tite® Online
From Intimate Beginnings Grows the Best Hardwood Flooring System
Peter DeVivi Productions, Inc. may have started out as a small New York custom hardwood flooring manufacturer, but with time and persistence our small NY custom flooring manufacturer has become a respected designer and inventor of one of the best options in custom hardwood flooring—the Tapertite® hardwood flooring system.
Peter DeVivi, our owner and system developer, knew there had to be a better way to produce top-quality solid wood flooring, and spent 11 years developing the system that is now renowned for its ease of installation, consistent quality, and reduced installation time.
The Tapertite® solid wood flooring system was developed from an old concept—tongue and groove flooring; Peter took that concept and improved upon it, a move that resulted in this NY solid wood flooring manufacturer being awarded a U.S. patent for the design and acceptance by trade and design associations throughout the nation.
Features of the new and improved system produced by this New York custom hardwood flooring manufacturer include:
• Premium grade solid hardwood flooring
• Wider and longer floor boards (up to 30" wide and 16' long!)
• Balanced seal finishing®
• Consistently matched flooring bundles
• Superior wear
• Fast, efficient installation
These features the Tapertite® hardwood flooring system evolved out of the strict commitment of our NY custom hardwood flooring manufacturing standards, which include using only the highest quality of lumber available; higher quality lumber means we can produce solid wood flooring in longer lengths, and with hardwood flooring, longer is always better.
The result is a highly durable, beautiful hardwood floor with the ability to be used in varying applications. Tapertite® is even able to be used in homes with radiant heat floor systems; when shopping for solid wood flooring for radiant heating systems, choosing a premium grade product is essential to function and aesthetics. Lesser products may warp and disfigure, but Tapertite® featuring balanced seal finishing is a wood flooring product that can take the stress of a radiant heat flooring system, and continue to look great doing it.
The Tapertite® system is available in a variety of lengths, woods, and grades. Every hardwood flooring product from this manufacturer is guaranteed to provide unparalleled beauty and function. Production of hardwood flooring products has been the exclusive function of Peter DeVivi Productions Inc. since 1972; the NY custom flooring manufacturer has evolved since to take full advantage of every modern advance in the production of hardwood flooring, and maintains strict quality control of all products.
As the system's developer, Peter DeVivi Productions remains the only manufacturer of this unique solid wood flooring system. We thank you for your interest in our hardwood flooring products and welcome you to our website.
Thank you for visiting us and kindly email us or contact our dealers for more information.

Developed and
Manufactured by
Peter DeVivi Productions, Inc.
2494 Kingdom Road
Waterloo, NY 13165
Ph - (800) 833-3710
Fax - (315) 568-6041
Hardwood Specialists
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